Saturday, December 20, 2008

A few notes about Copan, Jim writes:

A quick run down of some Copan highlights, as we are soon leaving for lunch. A large Mayan city lay in ruins one half mile from the current town's center, also called Copan. These ruins are world famous for elaborate and extensive hieroglyphics. The settlement is not on the scale of Tikal in northern Guatemala, but I do see why the world fame is well deserved. I could write much about it, but will only sum up that seeing these ruins, if one has a shred of interest in this type of history is well worth the getting here.

The current city Copan is fairly clean with steep cobble stoned streets, lots of tourist traffic for the ruins and an economy well based on tourism. The requisite town square is quite nice and the site of activity, day and night. Last night, the activities included a person playing a flute which kept Linda and I there for quite a while listening. One image I'll remember is a fellow scratching one of the street dogs while listening to the music. This dog was clearly in ectasy and the funniest thing is that as the fellow got to the best scratching spots, the dog's tail ended up absolutely straight up in the air like a cat's can be. I've never seen a dog do that before.

Oh-oh, the crew is deserting me to go eat......

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