Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our last, for awhile, Todos Santos hike

We have had 8 days back inTodos. The first five were rainy, mucky and quite chillling. Not conducive to outside activities, plus a few of us were feeling not the best anyway. The past three days have been the typical sunny mornings, cloudy afternoons except yesterday which was sunny all afternoon too. Tias was particularly hard hit with cold like symptoms with a strong sore throat and a fever thrown in for good measure. Needless to say, we have been having quiet times in Todos.

However, I am happy to report that everyone has bounced back, the sun shone this morning, and we plan to move on to another new-to-us town tomorrow. We could not leave though, without taking one last walk, way high above town on the mountain side that has the painted white rocks that read 'Todos Santos.'

We were escorted by a very nice dog that hangs out near the language school. When we walked past the school, I invited the dog to walk with us using the same phrase we use for own dogs: "want to walk?" The dog (Bobby) didn't move a muscle. Since he does like to hike with anyone, I was surprised. A short while later down the road, I realized I had not asked in Spanish, that was why he didn't jump up to follow us! At the same moment, I saw him with us. I guess he is as slow translating English to Spanish as I am Spanish to English.

Especially in the picture with Tias, the mountainside looks steep. That is because it is. And we are way above the village. A great walk.

One last note, this week, having been lazing around quite a bit, talk has drifted to what everyone will do when we return home, who we will see, what we will eat, etc, etc. Even plans into the summer. Our trip feels like it is ending even though we have almost three weeks to go. The reasons we think the trip feels 'ending' are two fold, one is that we started our trip by coming to Todos, and perhaps this return feels like closure until our next visit. Another reason is that my sister Julie is coming in three days to meet us to share the balance of our travels with us. This last bit of the trip with Julie's company will actually be another 'vacation' within a vacation since we are so looking forward to her arrival!

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