Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Julie's grand arrival

I arrived in Antigua about an hour before I expected Julie. I headed off to the bakery to have some treats awaiting. Upon my return, there she was! So wonderful to see her, especially on her birthday! Of the five us together currently, 3 of us have had birthdays on this adventure in Central America. Julie and I wandered the town, focusing especially on the many ruins that abound so artfully in Antigua

By 530 am the next morning, we were sitting on a bus headed to Nebaj to be reunited with the rest of the family. We made good time in the buses while at the same time, Julie got a taste of travel by bus. By 11 am, we had arrived in Nebaj!
Julie's reception in Nebaj was much anticipated by Linda and the kids, not to mention Julie and I. We walked up to the doorway of Popi's laden with many items to give Don (with whom we were staying) for his various projects. As I approached the doorway, I saw all three retreating down the hallway to go to our room, so I called out to them. Tias was nearest, he spun around, so I handed off the big duffel in my arms to him to put down out of the way somewhere. Linda and Willa rushed past me as if I weren´t there to see Julie who was waiting on the street with camera in hand. (Hence the two pictures.) Tias did give me a hug on his way out to see Julie after finding a suitable spot to put the duffel down, and eventually the girls remembered I had arrived too!

We are so happy to have her here with us!

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