Monday, March 14, 2011

The snow ball rolling down hill, 2011

This year's trip was planned to be much like last year's, work at Mayan Hope interspersed with play in the Nebaj Highlands area. Last year we had urged friends and family to come with us, as we did this year. We love to share the fun, adventure, work and treasure the campanionship of family and friends willing to come along. To our great delight, my sister Julie embraced the idea as well our steadfast friends, the Varnes-Epsteins. Last year Michael and his son Kai came along. This year we would again be honored to have Kai. Kai brought along his Mom, Lisa, and his sister, Haven. And like the snow ball rolling down hill, our group gained even still momentum two days before departure. Our friends asked if their 18 year old daughter, Rachael Way could come along with us. We are so happy to have everyone along!

This is the first group picture we have for this trip. Left to right are Jim and Linda, Mattias, Kai, Haven, Lisa, Rachael, Julie, Willa and Don.

We almost did not start the trip. Not intentionally, just accidently. Lisa's Mom lives abut 25 minutes from O'hare Airport. She graciously offered her house for our large group of nine. Three different alarms were set, two for 3:30 and one for 3:15 am by three different people and sleeping locations. Linda wanted to be the early risor to get a shower. Our alarm went off. I wanted those last minutes of sleep, so I immediately went back to slumberland expecting Linda to jump in the shower. At 3:45 another alarm went off in our room, this time on my side of the bed. To my surprise the alarm turned out to be the phone with a voice saying our rides were waiting at the front door for us. Only then did it dawn on me that Linda never gets up on the first alarm and is an ardent snooze alarm user. Except the alarm clock did not have a snooze feature, just 'off.' I don't know why the other two alarms did not happen. Were we ever thankful for our wonderful drivers!

We all scrambled; our goal had been to be out the door and loaded into the vehicles by 4:00 am. We were moving down the road at 4:07. Not bad we all thought. We arrived at O'hare right at 4:37, also 7 minutes behind what we thought. Not bad considering our start. Through checkout, then security check, then out to the gate. And no wait, the plane was loading as we approached the loading area. On the full plane to Ft. Lauderdale, where our one hour layover provided just enough time for us and our baggage to board the plane to Guatemala City, again, with no waiting.
We arrived in Guatemala City about half past noon. This time Don was waiting at the airport for us with a warm reception. Julie had arranged a van to waft us all straight off to Nebaj. By 7:30 pm we were unpacking at Popi's. Never before had we made all these legs of this journey so timely. We were reeling from the idea that only 13 hours before we were in Chicago!

And did I mention we were quite tired and happy?

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